Does your company already do something about lead generation? It is often difficult to take the first step. What should you take into account? We give you 5 tips for successful lead generation. It all starts with the right content.
Tip 1. Create ‘high value’ content
Content has a high value if it is of value to your customer. So first consider carefully who you are writing the content for and what the pain points are for these people. How can you provide a solution to these pain points? What value do you add for the customer? Trigger your customer to read your content and learn more about your company / brand by addressing a customer need. Think carefully about what information your target group would like to receive from you. What questions do they have? Create a list of 10 questions for each target group that they might have.
Tip 2. Provide a clear ‘call to action’
Determine your message, there can only be one central message. What do you want people to do? Communicate your message clearly with a call to action. “For example: 6 x tips for less food waste, read the tips.” In the article you provide tips and if one of the solutions is your product, the customer will want more information about it. Make sure that your content triggers enough to read further, so that they contact you. For example, ask a question to which you expect an answer. This has initiated contact.
Tip 3. Use hyperlinks
Make sure you trigger the customer with relevant information. Use click-through links to topics that strengthen your content and bring them one step closer to the decision moment. So, for example, if you have content about preparation techniques, let them click through to how that works for your specific product. The most important thing here is that you should never, ever, have a dead end on your website.
Tip 4. Send your content to your customers via email (provided you have permission to do so!)
Just posting the content on your website is not enough, it is also necessary to bring people to this content. A message must appear 3 or 5 times before you make the link with the brand or company. You can achieve this through e-mail marketing, social media, banners on catering websites or via your own website. Many customers think that email no longer works, but that is not true. On average, emails are read by 18-22% of your customers, so definitely worth it! You will then have a greater reach (if you have your database in order) and a greater chance that your content will be viewed. This way you attract more visitors to your website and you naturally hope that they will read more than just that one piece.
Tip 5. Analyze your data, test & learn
See how your content is viewed and whether you have achieved the set objectives. Ask yourself the following questions, among others: How many people click on your content from an email? How many people come to your content from outside? Where do those people come from? How did they find your content? Who are those people? What do you know about them? How much of the content have they actually read? Did they click through to other content? What can you learn from this? You can get this data from an email system as well as from Google Analytics for your website. By studying and comparing the data of the different content, you know what works very well and what works less well. This allows you to adjust future content pieces so that you make them as relevant as possible
Do you want more tips? Would you like to brainstorm more about this together? Then send us a message, we can always have a short call to understand your issue and give you insights!