The initial steps you have taken with customer journey mapping are only a beginning. Make your ambitions of achieving excellent customer experience come true by anchoring it within your organisation. In order to continuously surpass the customer experience, it is essential to make it an integral part of your organisation.
In fact, many quit after having completed all the steps, which is a missed opportunity. There is no end to customer journey management like with a project. It is a continuous improvement process where you work step by step to improve the customer experience. How far has your company gone in integrating a continuous customer experience improvement process into your organisation?
The customer journey has become an essential part of the business process in many commercial sectors such as banking, e-commerce, hotel, leisure, travel and even insurance. Positions have been created inside companies that are responsible for the customer journey such as customer journey specialists and customer experience managers. This solidifies the practice within the organisation.
Providing the customer with the best experience has become part of the culture, resulting in happy customers as well as higher EBIT.
Who would have ever thought that an e-commerce company like Coolblue would become the market leader for washing machines? People are prepared to pay more for a washing machine than at competing retailers because of the service provided. From a playlist to help you pass the time while you wait for your delivery to the option of exchanging your old washing machine (even if it’s in the attic) – anything for a smile. And that’s not just the payoff, it’s the business strategy. A very successful strategy.
“Customers with best experiences spend 140% more compared to those with poorest experiences (Harvard Business Review)
Within the B2B food sector, there are still many gains to be had.
- Which areas could see an improvement in your company’s customer experience?
- Have you already got people or a team dedicated to the customer experience? How many FTEs?
- Have you defined KPIs for customer experience?
- Do you measure and know what your customers think of your business?
- Do you have your customer journey mapped out?
- How customer-focused are your employees?
Make the customer journey part of your organisation and move to a new approach. How do you rank?
Want to know how you as a company can get started with a customer journey mentality to improve your results?
You can learn all about that during the Digital Leadership programme. You will work with your team to deliver the best possible customer experience so that customers buy and keep buying from you.
We look at where the areas for improvement are for your organisation and make a plan of action to improve this over the long and short terms (90-day plan).
Any more questions? Request a free 30-minute online consultation now. If you have any more questions, you can also always request a free consultation.